Fantasy Radio UK


Growing up, British artist TISLEY MAC found it difficult to confide in his peers and family members about his problems, so he penned his second single, ‘Patiently Waiting’ as an outlet to release years of pent-up worries and emotions. Touching on mental health and depression, string-laden ‘Patiently Waiting’ – which possesses tranquil hip-hop arrangements – also encourages to others to wear their heart on their sleeve and to speak up about their problems and issues.

Birmingham-bred Tisley expands on his own experience on depression: “ I grew up around others that didn’t talk about things and we only found out they had it as bad when the situation was too late. I have been at a breaking point many times and feel each scenario makes me stronger, but others out there are going through it and I’m sure in the modern time and age they feel like talking about it makes them look soft amongst their peers and social media friends.”


Featured on The  Kay  Show  25th  November  2020